
Friday, January 12, 2018

winter break fun

After we got back from Memphis we wrapped up the rest of Christmas break with another week of fun just hanging out at home. 
Except taking down the tree.  I hate that part.
But I did have a lot of help!
Someone was soaking in the last few minutes of her favorite spot in the house before it's gone for another year.  Haha!
These two had fun spending their Christmas gifts cards!
And having a sleepover.  I adore this.  They make these cute lists every time they have a sleepover.  To make sure everything gets done.  #goals.
We were so happy we had some snow to play in!
Andrew found this huge icicle!
We have the best sledding hill in our backyard and the kids always have so much fun doing this!

We had a fun family night and took the kids out to eat and bowling.
Someone was pretty excited about her strike!
Both kids were invited to birthday parties in our old town the same weekend so we headed back to see our friends!
Kerigan loved her sleepover at her old besties house!  These girls have all been friends since they were 2.
Kerigan and her sweet friend Annika
This is a lot of girls for a sleepover!  I told my friend Amanda she was pretty brave!  Ha!

Once we got back to school, apparently this girl had a half birthday!  Since her birthday is in the summer, they celebrate half birthdays at school.  Her principal takes pictures with all the kids on their birthdays.
At school she had the sharing crown and got to share pictures with her class.
I had so much fun coming to watch her.
My sweet 6 1/2 year old
Love this girl so much!
Ga Ga too!
She got to sit on the "throne" at school all day!  Ha!
That night Andrew got his new belt in Taekwondo!
So we went out for froyo (yes, in January! Ha!) to celebrate a new belt, and a half birthday.