
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

let's get ready to tumble!

We kicked off January with Kerigan's first tumbling meet of the season!
It was a 3rd place win!
I had to zoom in on that proud face!
We were so proud of her!
This was her cheering section!
This year she started Advanced Beginner level, which is all limbers and walkovers in a front and back pass.  It is a very challenging level as there are so many technicalities.  It doesn't take much for them to change motion, which discontinues scoring.  
But she kept it up with another 3rd place win at the next meet a couple of weeks later! (notice this same little girl keeps winning 1st, and Kerigan made it her life's mission to beat her this season!  Ha!) #goals
This time her tumbling buddy Rylee got to join her!  These two just love competing together.
This meet they gave out teddy bears instead of trophies- as it was a Valentine meet.
I attempted a french braid around her head and it turned out pretty good!  I've had a lot of meets to practice on!
I took some action shots of my girl doing her pass

I just love how much she loves tumbling and how serious she is
Look at that perfect hand stand!  Even her coach looked impressed!  Ha!
We had to buy these shirts for these two!
We took the girls to lunch after the meet- at a winery!  Ha!
After a nerve-wracking meet, these mamas needed some wine!
Then we went furniture shopping!  I was looking for a new couch and wanted Heather's opinion.
We rewarded them with ice cream for behaving!  Ha!
Then they got to have a sleepover and they thought it was the best thing in the world!
Stretching for their next big meet!
This meet was pirate themed
There were some really tough judges but Kerigan held out in 4th place this time.
This little girl was her tumbling buddy at our old gym before we moved and she still remembered Kerigan and called her her BFF- so sweet!
We love it when Ga Ga and Papa can make it to see their girl!
And this mama is so proud!
Then I had to include this picture of Andrew doing his thing!  He did a tennis camp and had so much fun!  Proud of my little man too!