
Thursday, April 19, 2018

cabin fever

This was the craziest spring. We got snow again in April!  Only in Iowa!
At one point, this was the weather forecast!  Ha!  I'm telling you- crazy!
I saw this on Facebook and it cracked me up!  So true!
I was happy to get the kids from school one day for dentist appointments.  Before I took them back to school we had a donut date!
Going to school in our winter gear in April is just not okay!
Sweet friends at recess!
One weekend we went to Daddy's school for a pancake breakfast fundraiser.
Andrew loves comics (like Diary of a Wimpy Kid).  He's so clever and likes to make up his own.  I love his ideas! He wrote one on the white board in Daddy's office.  I thought it was so funny!  I told him he's going to be an author someday!
That night the kids went to nerf wars at Andrew's Taekwondo gym.  Anything to get them out of the house and exercising!  We were all going stir crazy!

Exhibit A. Ha!
The kids put on a little play for us one afternoon and dressed up in costumes!  Once in a while they get along!  Ha!
Another night we ordered pizza and had family game night
Just to prove that Kerigan isn't always smiling!  Ha! #soreloser
Andrew had Taekwondo testing for his new belt

He did so good!
He earned his new Camo belt!
Which also meant a move to the advanced class!
This picture cracks me up!   Ha!
We really like Master Anderson.  He's been so encouraging to Andrew.
Proud of our little man!
Proud Ga Ga too!
We went out for froyo to celebrate!
We came home and played what else?  Telestrations!
No game makes us laugh this hard!
I got Taekwondo so I drew Andrew!  Ha!
We love having Ga Ga here!
We played more games- this time Sequence on teams!
Here were my partners- Ha!
So this was something funny that happened this night.  We lost Belle (our cat).  We searched the entire house top to bottom.  Tried to entice her with her food.  We opened all cupboards and doors.  She was gone.  I finally put out an update on our neighborhood facebook page and texted friends.  We were so sad.
We got home from searching for her and Andrew had made this sign.  It was sad but this did make us laugh! (And yes he still can't spell our last name right).  Ha!
We set her food and litter outside, along with her favorite blanket and every hour I'd go outside and call her name.  I was sure she was gone forever.
Well, the next morning the kids went off to school and my mom and I heard meowing.  We opened the door and she wasn't outside!  We were so confused.  We kept listening and followed the sound.  She was stuck in a cabinet that my mom had opened in the laundry room the night before!  We can't believe she didn't meow all night!  What a stinker!  But we were sooooo glad she wasn't lost!
Kerigan had her last tumbling meet before State in Monmouth, IL.
These were her highest scores of the season so I had to take a picture!
She got 2nd place!
Having fun at the photo booth!
This picture cracked me up.  Kerigan was not amused. Ha! #brothers