
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

state tumbling meet

This year the State tumbling meet was held in our old town so I was thrilled to get to go back and see my girls!
We met for pedicures and had a blast catching up!
I miss my girl tribe so much!
Craig's brother's family was in town also for our nephews baseball game.  So that afternoon Andrew went with Craig to watch the game.  I asked Craig to take a picture of Andrew and Jayden. This is what he sent me- HA HA!
After pedis and the game, Craig brought our niece and our friends joined us for swimming at our hotel.  Jayden had more games so they joined us later.
This was so cute- Piper didn't want to get in and Andrew swam up to her in his shark fin!  Ha!
Here is Kerigan trying to drag Daddy in the water- Ha!
This was so funny- the girls finally talked the dads into getting in!  Ha!
Kerigan with cousin Evelyn and her friend Payton
Mermaid in the pool!
There's nothing better than family, friends that are like family, and pizza in the hotel lobby!
Andrew was so excited to get to hang out the rest of the night with his buddy!
The kids played some games, and then everyone headed home.
Except Jayden got to stay overnight with us!
Two happy boys right here
Jayden hadn't gotten to swim yet, so we put our little tumbler to bed and I took the boys down to the pool again.

When we got back up to the room we saw this.  Love!
We woke up to waffles in the lobby!
Kerigan liked this elevator sign #craycray
We headed over to the school to watch Piper compete early in the morning.  She did so good!
She also got to catch her teammate Lola before she competed.  This conversation must've been a good one.  Ha!
Then we went back to the hotel to get this girl ready!
Ga Ga and Papa joined the fun!
Kerigan found a congratulations note from her family in the program!
And we have a national qualifier!  There were 2 flights at her level, and she scored 3rd place in her flight, and 3rd place overall.  If she had been in the other flight, she would've had first place in her flight!
There were 11 girls at her level.  
So proud of our girl, and so excited for Nationals in Ft. Lauderdale!  We think that's a perfect excuse for a family vacation!
Her fan club
Mama and Daddy- so proud!
Fun with her tumbling buddy Rylee
We found coach Tasha on the way out to tell her the good news!

This called for a celebratory dinner at our favorite pizza place!
And pizza wasn't enough so we had to stop for ice cream too!

Look out Florida... here we come!