
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

memorial day road trip

On Saturday we headed to a very special cousin's birthday party!  They did laser tag and had a blast!
Andrew wrote the most heartfelt card for Jayden- he loves him so much! They are more like brothers and best friends.  
I'm so glad they have each other
After laser tag they went to a park for cake and a water fight!
While the boys were at the party, my girl and I got pedicures!
I will never pass up a little girly time!
Next I took her to Ga Ga's since Andrew was spending the night with Jayden. 
On Sunday we went to this little walking trail around a lake where they had so many goats!  They had them there to eat the grass!  She thought it was so neat.
Do you see them all behind us?
Then we went for a nice bike ride around the lake

Meanwhile, my sister in law sent these pictures to me of the boys having more fun!
This was the first weekend the pools opened!  Andrew took no time getting used to the water again!
Later that day we picked up Andrew and went back to Ga Ga's to celebrate Memorial Day!
They had so much fun running through the sprinkler!

These pictures were cracking me up!
After playing and grilling out, we took Andrew to see the goats!
He was impressed

It was a beautiful night for a bike ride!
Then we headed to the cemetery and put flowers on Grandpa Bill's grave
We always let them play on and around his headstone. We know he'd love it!
On Monday we had breakfast and headed out on a little road trip to visit my grandparents and great grandparents graves.
On the way we stopped to see the little country church that my mom attended as a little girl
The kids had fun exploring!
Hello from above!
We signed the guest book
Then we headed to the little cemetery.  We've made this a tradition and we seem to always get lost on the way there and always have to call my uncle!  So this year I took a picture!
These are my grandparents.  And I'm pretty sure they were laughing about a bird chasing Ga Ga in this picture- Ha!

Andrew putting flowers by his Great-Great Grandpa Andrew's grave, his namesake

Kerigan put flowers by her Great-Great Grandma Mabel's headstone.  My mom adored Mabel (her grandma) so much and always tells us stories about how much Kerigan reminds her of Mabel. We even call Kerigan "Mabel" sometimes because their personalities were so similar!

The cemeteries are always so pretty with all the flags
We always stop at A&W for lunch and ice cream on the way home!
As always, it was a special Memorial Day!