
Friday, May 18, 2018

field day & field trips

With earning his new camo belt, Andrew got to move to the advanced class, which meant getting fitted for sparring gear!
First time sparring!
So proud of my guy!  He did awesome!  He's so funny as he went to class and would pair up for sparring, sometimes he would be paired with a girl his size.  Andrew would let her basically just beat him up!  I asked him why he didn't get in there and get her back?  He said, "mom, she's a woman!"  Ha!  #gentleman
I loved his face here, listening intently!
Sometimes we stay and watch but this day I took Kerigan out for ice cream!  Ha!
He enjoyed the sparring so much it actually enticed him to get it out and practice at home!
Sunday was Mother's Day and look what I got!  Landscaping!
This was all I wanted!  And flowers planted.  Jim and Craig worked so hard!
This girl got a little tree.  She calls it "her tree" since it's planted right outside her window.
She comes home from school every day and wants to water it right away!
She's excited to see how much it grows every year! She wants it to get up to her window!
Then Andrew's grade had track and field day. They get to go to a high school and use the actual track and participate in events.  It was like a real track  meet!
Andrew did hurdles!
He did awesome!  He's always been a fast runner.  And he loves P.E.!
Then he did shotput

These were his two best friends in 5th grade, Trevor and Jack.  We are so lucky he found these strong friendships in such kind boys.
Ga Ga got to come and watch too!
I adore this boy of mine!
Kerigan had field day at school one morning so I got to sign up to help!
Love this crazy girl of mine
I helped at the water relay!  I think this was everyone's favorite event!

Go Kerigan!
I cheated and had Daddy come take over for me for a little while so I could walk around at some of the stations!
I died laughing at the Cyclone bean bag toss!  No one around here is a Cyclone fan!  Ha!  I loved it!
Kerigan and her sweet friend Ruby
I loved hula hooping when I was her age!
Hurdles!  Ha!
Keatyn's mom and I took these silly girls out to lunch after field day!
Then after school Kerigan got to go play at Keatyn's house!
They had fun swimming!
And twinning- Ha!
These sweet friends played each other's teams in softball one night
Then they found their awesome teacher Mrs. Martinez, who was there watching her daughter play!  Beautiful spring evenings on the ballfield with friends are my jam!
The next week the first graders had a field trip to a nursery close to our house so I walked over with Kerigan's class!

Keatyn and Kerigan- sweet friends!
There's not much better than spending a beautiful morning with my girl!
Everyone got to plant a flower to take home
And I got to take this sweet girl to lunch!  We're super happy they opened a brand new subway about a minute from our school and house!
I dropped her back off at recess time!
We had another ball game that night and this time cousins came!
Out to celebrate with ice cream afterwards!  The kids loved having Evie and Jayden there!
All this fun wears a girl out!  It was a busy spring!