
Monday, June 4, 2018

night at the museum {2018 recital}

It's dance weekend!  The kids celebrated the end of school with a movie night- Night at the Museum, because that was the theme of Kerigan's dance recital this year!
Arriving in her first costume- green for "Walk the Dinosaur"
If you've seen the movie, you recall one of the main scenes is the dinosaur skeleton that comes to life and walks around!  I love that part.
My beautiful little dancer
Grandpa and Grandma rode with us so we grabbed a picture before heading in!
A little dressing room fun with friends!
I snapped a picture with her jazz class and their awesome teacher, Emily.  Emily is moving and the girls are all so sad as she was their favorite!
The biggest change for her this year was going from one dance costume to 4!  She had 3 in one recital, and one in a different recital.  So we invited all the grandparents to the first evening since she had the most dances that night.
And a quick selfie with mama before the show!

She's in the front, second from the left
She knew every move perfectly
And she had the biggest smile!
This was the cutest dance!  And according to Kerigan, jazz is her favorite!
Next up was ballet
It was an Ice Polka from the ice age

Tap was Great Balls of Fire!
I'm telling you...that smile!
Afterwards we had pictures with Ga Ga and Papa
So proud of our girl!
She opened some gifts
I love this picture!  Andrew always has a book with him!  Especially at a dance recital- Ha!
I mean, beautiful right??  Love her soooo much!
Afterwards we went out to celebrate with Grandpa and Grandma
Someone should have been tired, but she was wide awake!  And always ready to taunt her brother!
Kerigan's hip hop recital was the following afternoon
We were bummed it wasn't on the same day as her other dances so the grandparents could all have seen it.
Ga Ga came to the rehearsal so she got to see it!
Kerigan loved hip hop with her pal Ruby!
This was the coolest dance- it was called Technologic
Kerigan can be shy about her talents, but about 2 weeks before the recital her teacher learned that she can do a perfect round off so she had her do one at the very end and it was so awesome!
Look at her go!  She was worried she was going to mess up since she hadn't practiced it very much but she did awesome and the audience cheered!  She was so proud of herself!

Another dance recital in the books!