
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

school's out for summer!

School ended and dance recital weekend came to a close, but softball was in full swing!
Kerigan loves playing softball!  And we love watching her.  Beautiful summer evenings at the ballfield with friends just make me happy.
And sleeping in makes this guy happy!  Ha ha!  (Yes, he's in our bed... maybe one of these days he'll decide he's too old, but for now I'm not complaining!  I love nothing more than cuddling with this guy when he'll let me!)
Kerigan wrote a sweet little note to Andrew and gave him a present.  It was something she made. I'm sure it made me believe they were actually going to get along all summer!  Ha ha. These two can be so sweet!  But they have their moments!
We wasted no time getting out the sprinkler ball from Ga Ga!
It was good entertainment for quite a while!
Until we needed a popsicle break!
I realized I had to keep my freezer stocked with popsicles all summer!
So lucky to have such a special friend right next door, whose mama is a teacher too so they can play all day during the summers!
This right here is called summer JOY!
This was the first summer that Avery's little brother came out a lot to play also.  He loves Andrew and Andrew is so good with him!
I also kept these water balloons stocked!  The kids love them.  They can fill them themselves, and water balloon toss and fight to their hearts content!

The first week of summer our friends texted and asked if we wanted to meet at a new park that has a zip line and the kids couldn't wait to try it out!
So much fun!

Then you can cross this little creek and there is a slide and some other things on the other side!
We took our first trip to the pool!  This girl was happy she was finally tall enough for the water slides!
This is one of her favorite pool activities too!
Andrew and Brady hung out!
I always wish Andrew could have had a little brother too.  He is just so good with little kids and they look up to him so much!
These two had a blast!
Kerigan had seen a tutorial online about a mermaid braid and she had been waking me up about 6am the first week of summer to do a mermaid braid!  Ha!  I finally agreed to watch the tutorial and try it.  She was so thrilled!
We had heard the local airport was having a flying day where kids could fly in a plane!  So we headed to the airport to check it out.
We were bummed to learn you had to sign up in advance and there were no spots left to fly :(  But they still had fun checking out all the planes!  #liveandlearn #nexttime
Daddy was showing them stuff- ha!
In the back of an ambulance- and I hope this is the only time they will ever be in one!

The children's museum was out at the airport with some activities so the kids had fun exploring with them.

Kerigan did this in sidewalk chalk and I thought it was so cute.
One rainy day these mermaids had mermaid school!
We checked out the library and signed up for the reading program!
And there were a lot of nights in the yard... the best memories being made right here.
She loves it when we play catch in the yard together
And a lot of nights ended like this... bonfires with the neighbors.  The best!  I just love summer!