
Sunday, October 2, 2016

fall, friends & fun

It's time for a catch up update.  This is just a bunch of random pictures that don't flow at all, so bear with me.  I just want to record the memories!
We finally closed on the house September 29.  We had been moved in for two months and just renting.  It was nice to close so we could start projects like painting, kitchen remodeling and furniture shopping.
We needed a bed and new bedroom furniture.  So the kids came along and loved trying out all of them!  Ha!  And can I just say it is like heaven crawling into our new king every night!  Why did we wait til age 40 to get one!?
We were staying with Ga Ga and Papa that weekend and went to a movie.  It wasn't Trolls.  Ha!  But this was there when we went.  What is up with posting fun backgrounds for movies before they are out and then when you actually go to that movie, they no longer have them??  It makes for difficult blogging purposes because I cannot remember for the life of me what movie we did see.
The kids and I have had fun visiting Daddy at his new school.  They have already learned fun things to play with in his office and know their way around a little bit!
This kid.
They pretty much adore this guy. :)
One of the rare times Daddy gets to relax!  His sidekick wants to be right by his side.
Neighbor kids are at our house pretty much all the time.  And we love it.
These girls have become fast BFF's and we are so grateful for Avery's family right next door!
These girls spent pretty much every minute in daylight hours on their scooters.  I love when they stop and have little secret conversations.
BFFs- all in the same class and all in the same neighborhood. #soblessed
One beautiful day some neighbor girls knocked on our door and invited us to a movie in their yard that evening.  I just stood back and got emotional thinking about the memories we are giving our kids by being here.  This neighborhood just can't be beat.
One pretty fall evening Kerigan and I were waiting for Andrew to get done with Taekwondo so we found this really fun new park!
The slide was huge!  
Kerigan was so thrilled.
So one evening Daddy picked up Subway and we all met at the park to show Andrew!  (I need some serious selfie lessons!)
Kerigan is loving her dance classes because she gets to wear fun frilly tutus like this!
She's always been my little shopping partner.  I'm so happy she still loves to go places with me.  She's so cheerful and happy and we have the best conversations.  She's my perfect little BFF!
We may live a little farther away from Ga Ga but seeing her often is just not an option.  The kids (and I!)  have gotten spoiled because now when she comes, she usually stays overnight 2-3 nights!  We love it!  The kids always plan a movie and popcorn and beg to skip school in the mornings!  Ha.  Mom and I get to have fun together in the mornings since I only work in the afternoons. 
You read to me I'll read to you :)  Days when Ga Ga is here are the best days.
We also love when friends come to visit!
These two missed each other so much!  
Now that we live in a college town we have lots of people who want to come to games and stay with us!
So I watched Annika while Amanda took Gavin to a game.
They could not have been happier to be reunited.
Andrew missed Gavin so they stayed an extra night so the boys could play too!
Craig happened to be home so we ditched everyone and went shopping!  Ha ha!  This girl time is just what we both needed!
We only felt a little guilty so we brought home Steak and Shakes for everyone!
We had fall family pictures one night and made it a family fun evening.  By going to Target to see the new Skylanders of course.
This girl is obsessed with blind bags.  Do you know what those are??  Seems like every themed toy has these little packages or boxes where you can't see what's inside them.  Why would anyone want that??  Ha!  I keep telling her she could already have it, or it may be the one she doesn't want.  And she just doesn't care.  I think it's the anticipation of opening them that she loves.  This girl loves a good surprise.  And the best part is they're only like $2.  #winwin
Craig found some Christmas jammies! #iwish #hewouldntbuythem
For good behavior during family pictures! #bribe #parentsoftheyear
We finished the night at Red Robin- love this place!

More coming soon!