
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

sea world & san diego

We woke up to our last morning in Cali and it was a gorgeous one!
Everyone was enjoying a relaxing morning before getting ready to head to San Diego!
She found a shell!
These two... Daddy can always make her laugh.
We took some pictures around the resort before heading out for our day

We are always so blessed to get to travel with Ga Ga and Papa!  The kids have so many wonderful memories of traveling with their grandparents.
Just some neat architecture outside the lobby.
The front of the lobby

We were so excited to spend the day at Sea World!
Right when we arrived the orca encounter show was starting so we rushed over.  We had missed getting spots in the bleachers but we thought our standing spot was even better!  We were right up near the glass.
I got some amazing pictures with my camera!
Even through the glass!

This was a really awesome way to start our day!
Next we headed to the seals!
Just checking out some seals swimming

Then we headed over to ride the roller coaster, the Manta.
Andrew chose to ride next to daddy so I rode in front of them.
Don't ask me how my mom captured these photos with her iPhone!  I couldn't believe it!
No need to buy the pictures they post afterwards!  Ga Ga got awesome ones for us!

This was seriously one of the most fun roller coasters I have ever been on!  Now, I'm not a super daredevil, and I don't like roller coasters that are too rough, twisty and fast, but I'd say this one was just right!
Andrew gave it a thumbs up!
Kerigan got to meet a real, live mermaid!
She was in her element right here.  The girl thinks she's a mermaid, I swear!
We checked out the aquarium and saw lots of sharks!
Those are some big jaws!
It was just amazing how the turtles came right up to the glass
Well hi there friendly turtle!
The kids could not get enough of the animals

The turtles were a favorite!
I'm telling you- in the gift shops, Craig entertains us every.single.time.
Just a little photo spot
Then we rode the sky coaster right over the ocean
Here was my sweet riding partner
I love this girl so much!
These two rode together while Daddy waited for us- he's afraid of heights!
Next we headed to the arctic!  They had a little cabin to show how people stay when they go to study the animals.
Do you see the polar bear way back there?
This felt like real ice!
And this was like a shipwreck- the scenery was so awesome!
Polar bear tracks in the ice cave!
The beluga whales were another favorite!
They were just fascinating!
So sweet!
 We ended our visit at the dolphin show, which was so entertaining!
First they brought out these unique pilot whales which were really neat!
But not much could top this!  We just had the best day at Sea World!
We couldn't leave San Diego without hitting the beach!
It was pretty cool, so we kept our jackets on!
The kids love collecting shells

I love the little photo bomb in between us back there!
There's just so much joy running into the ocean!

One happy girl!

And this is the sign of a long, fun day!
The next day we headed to the airport bright and early for our flight home.
Here's how we felt about leaving the Happiest Place on Earth
But I know a couple of sweet girls that couldn't wait to be reunited
We came home to lots of sweet drawings on our driveway from the neighbors
It was such a nice welcome home!
Andrew getting influenza was not.  He was out of school for 4 days with a high fever!  Good thing Ga Ga was here to cuddle!
Since Andrew was sick and we couldn't get enough Disney, Meagan and I took these two on a date to see Beauty and the Beast- they were so happy!

Thanks for sticking with me!  The updates are few and far between, but I finally finished up our vacation from last March!  (Insert monkey emoji covering his eyes here).  My goal is to use Christmas break to catch up on the next 6 months leading up to Christmas!

More to come soon!

Click here for a list of our Disney updates
Click here for Legoland