
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

softball, dance & friends

We finally have spring weather!  
Andrew enjoyed drawing his favorite animals on the driveway!
These two have so much fun playing outside.  They like to put on shows and dance for us!
Softball season is underway and the kids love practicing in the backyard
One night Andrew had an awesome hit- right above my ankle!  Ha.  That was the end for me.  I grabbed a book and read from the deck.
Kerigan had such a sweet team this year with awesome kids and coaches.  She was lucky to be with her friends from school Ruby and Avery, and she made friends with everyone else.
She was rockin her socks!

Andrew was so cute this spring I just wanted to document it.  Every night he would lay out his cereal bowl, etc so he was ready for the morning.
He leaves himself a sticky note, you know, in case he forgets anything.  Ha!

Best part of my day is seeing these girls at recess when I get to school!
This day Ga Ga had spent the weekend with us and went with me to school so she could see Kerigan outside before she headed home!  Kerigan was so excited.
We love spring!  Ice cream sundaes for the win!
It was dance picture week!  First up- jazz!
This was her tap costume
Her sweet friend Norah
Another day of school- she always runs to me at recess when she sees me and I love it so much. A  couple of times I have seen her playing with her friends and I went ahead and went in the building so I didn't interrupt her.  I told her that I saw her playing and didn't want to bother her and she said "I want to see you!"  Oh my heart.  I love this girl.
That day we came home from school and made May baskets!
We did this in our old town, but last year we didn't as we didn't think people here did it.  We were wrong! Our first year here we got a ton from neighborhood kids- it is so fun that this still happens!
Andrew caught his buddy Jack!
That evening, this girl had her first game.
She got to be catcher and she did so good!
Watching her never gets old
Look at her go!
Three sweet friends on their first game night!
Kerigan and her sweet friend Keatyn on the playground another afternoon recess!
This day they were jump roping
I love that she plays with lots of different kids and is friends with everyone!  All the kids are always saying her name and wanting her to play with them.
Another picture night at dance this week!  They let the parents in to watch their hip hop recital dance!
Ruby and Madelyn are friends from school too!
That night we did curlies for her spring concert the next day!
My pretty girl ready for her concert

Daddy had to leave work and barely made it so she didn't see him come in.  When the concert was over and she saw that he was there, it brought a huge smile.  She's such a daddy's girl.
Kerigan with her music teacher Miss Grow
I had to laugh because her little friend Olivia had the same dress!  Matching Matilda Jane for the win! #greatminds
Kerigan and her BFF Avery
These girls think Ga Ga is Avery's grandma too!  Ha ha!
The concert was close to the end of the day so we let Andrew come down to watch her concert and then we took both kids out a little early.
We took them to Target of course.  Andrew thought this was the best thing ever that he got to leave school and go to Target. Ha!
Then out for froyo!  We love any excuse to celebrate with froyo!
That night was another softball game
These two got 3 outs on the other team and were so proud of themselves!  That's some bestie teamwork right there.
We love this girl so much!
She brought this paper home from school- saying who her heroes are.  She said her Bubba, mom and dad.  She's ours too!
Last dance picture night- Ballet this time!
Her friend Rylee was in another class but they went straight from dance to...
the gym!  They thought tumbling in make up was pretty fun!
That week dance recital tickets went on sale so my friend Heather (Rylee's mom) and I went to breakfast early and then went to get in line!
Believe me when I say, dance mamas are crazy!  Ha!  We got there an hour early and shortly after a huge line started to form behind us.  The dance studio owner even came out and passed out cookies to everyone waiting! Ha ha!  We were all laughing at ourselves.  But still... #noshame  #wemeanbusiness
Then we finished off the week watching our girl do her thing
Go Craters!