This year we celebrated the 4th of July with our friends. Since we are moving very soon we wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.
My friend Angie's parents have property on this farm and every year they have a big party out here so this year we joined them!
Ga Ga and Papa came over during the day to see us.
I attempted the stair braid on Kerigan's hair.
It turned out somewhat like I wanted it to. But not perfect by any means. It was fun to try!
Papa and the kids have this special thing they do, which is collecting rocks. Papa calls them "dandy" rocks and Kerigan loves this word. She now says it all the time. I caught her lining these "dandies" up along the landscaping and thought it was so cute. They are still there!
Then we headed out to the farm for some fun with friends!
We had a huge BBQ with tons of delicious food!
It's not the 4th of July without watermelon!
Emily and Andrew have had a special bond since we moved here. Emily has grown up so much- she was Andrew's age when we moved here and now she's going to middle school. Andrew just loves her.
Andrew had been begging and begging to go fishing. He loves doing this at the pond.
He's not really afraid of the worms- ha! He just likes to make faces!
Caught one! He was so excited!
This girl caught one too!
I took this neat picture of everyone down at the pond. It was a really nice evening and everyone just had a great time.
They loved riding in the paddle boat!
This girl did too!
Angie and I even had a good time! Ha!
Angie's dad gave all the kids tractor rides!
This is one of Kerigan's many little boyfriends, Aiden. She just loves him!
Kerigan and Payton!
My sweet friends Angie and Mandy- I couldn't have made it without them the past 3 years. And I certainly would've had a lot less fun!
We ended the night with s'mores
and sparklers
A perfect 4th of July