The summer flew by and it was back to school night for these two!
Our school has an ice cream social a couple of days before the start of school where they bring their supplies, meet their teachers and find their desks, etc.
This girl just had the best first grade teacher you can imagine. Her classroom is so inviting and fun and she has the best personality! Mrs. Martinez is full of enthusiasm and the kids just adore her.
And Mrs. Estill is the fun 5th grade teacher! Andrew is all about fun in school! Ha! Right before school started she added a bunch of flexible seating, couch, etc for reading time. I bought the classroom a supply of pillows to get through the year! Andrew was so excited.
And while mama is away, the kids and Ga Ga will play! Ha!
I had to start back before the kids so my mom came to watch them for a few days and they had fun making slime, playing games, and just having a blast their last few days of freedom!
And then this happened. Someone please tell me how I blinked and they grew up??
First grade just seems like such a big year. Kindergarten is over and real school is beginning, ya know? First grade is the year of learning to read, learning what school is going to be like the rest of elementary. It's just so huge.
And it's the year I got the stink face from my baby girl!!! (Insert me crying here)...
Here she is walking into her classroom for the first time. I was so happy to be able to walk her to school and snap a few pictures before going back home and sobbing (ha ha, just kidding... sort of).
She found her desk! And can I just have a moment to savor that toothless smile. O.M.G. I cannot get enough of that smile.
And this boy. Oh my, he has my heart. Seeing this sign makes me want to cry like a baby, but also burst with pride. He's finally at the age that I wouldn't let myself think about back when he was so fragile, in the NICU, fighting for his life. He did it. He's here and he's amazing.
He's much too old for his mom to come into his classroom for a picture. But this mama doesn't care! Ha! I'm still so grateful he has two more years of elementary school. But I just want to freeze time.
I teach part time in the afternoons at the kids school and this day I discovered that every day when I arrive, this first grader is on the playground. She had to show me her new tricks!
Two besties right here
And I enjoyed this arrival time the rest of the year! So many pictures of my sweet girl playing with her friends.
They just make my day. How many people can say when their job ends every day, their kids walk into the room with bright smiles and happy stories to tell?
I get a lot of help from this girl. She loves to be my helper and pick up pencils off the floor, help me with my anchor charts, etc. Sometimes she'll sit in my classroom library and read while I finish up tasks from the day. I just love this time with her.
As the days went on, these two would greet me every day by opening the gate for me like I was a queen! Ha! And most days I took their picture. Because they are cute, and I just can't get enough.
See what I mean?
When my work day starts like this, it can be nothing but awesome!
On Thursdays this boy is on the playground at the same time as my class. He still waves at me, but then he's off to play kickball or soccer with his buddies.
And he's usually surrounded by girls. Which he is clearly happy about- HA!
We discovered first grade homework is kinda fun!
But fifth grade? Not so much. Ha!
School is off to a great start!