We made it to the Ramada tropics!
It might have been freezing outside, but it felt like a tropical paradise in here! This year for his birthday Andrew wanted to do something different. He did not want a party with all his friends. He requested to stay in a hotel with his cousins and swim. Mission accomplished.
We arrived early before the crowds and got a ton of swimming in! It had been a while since they had been swimming and they loved it!
I think Kerigan did this approximately 947 times.
She loved going down the slide with Evie!
My birthday boy! I could hardly get him to stop for a picture!
So I got a few more of this girl!
Andrew coming down the big slide!
Grandpa and Grandma, Papa and Ga Ga and Uncle Jay and Aunt Rachel showed up later to join us for pizza and cake! Of course I didn't get pictures of anyone else! Too busy keeping up with the kids!
The kids had fun in the arcade too while I set up for the party!
I enjoyed making things easier this year! Just ordered Big Hero 6 plates and napkins, made a banner, and ordered an awesome cake from my nephew's wife who makes all our cakes and cookies! She is amazing!
We set up poolside and had a great view!
Opening gifts at dinner! He got Pie Face from Papa, a much anticipated gift and one I had been avoiding all through the Christmas season- ha! I am not a fan of messy games. But when Andrew found out about this game, it was at the top of his birthday list.
Pepperoni pizza for the birthday boy!
How can he be 9?
After dinner, cake and gift opening- the kids had round 2 of swimming and we said goodbye to the grandparents!
Then we took the kids back to our room to open gifts from mommy and daddy.
It was Ninja Turtles and Skylanders...
They would laugh and laugh because Andrew could never get these boxes open and every box he opened was taped shut!
I love tricking him and wrapping smaller gifts inside a bigger box.
This was the Skylander he wanted most- Bowser to go with his new superchargers game.
Love my kids so much!
After gifts, this happened.
We had so.much.fun playing this game.
And I thought, what better place to play a messy game but in a hotel room? Ha!
I think she loved it the most!
She kept wanting to turn the knob until she got pie face! Ha!
This game was definitely a hit!
A fun memory from Andrew's 9th birthday.
Daddy even got in on the fun!
And for documentation purposes... mommy too. Ha!
They also had fun kicking the hover ball up and down the hotel hallways!
And making popcorn with Andrew's new popcorn bowl!
Popcorn and sleepover #2 with cousins! I'm pretty sure Andrew would say this was his best weekend ever.
In the morning we got up and had breakfast at the hotel.
And of course, went swimming again!
Time to head home- Pirate faces!
And it wouldn't be Andrew's birthday without a blizzard warning!
We went shopping for necessities. Ha! The kids got one snow day and it wasn't nearly as much snow as they predicted. It has been a low key winter with not much snow!
And just like that. We have a 9 year old. Happy birthday buddy! You will always be our "Big Hero..." no matter what age!