Here we are bright and early at the Knoxville convention center! Kerigan and her friend Landry were the only girls competing in their age group from our gym.
Ga Ga bought Kerigan this jacket since it was cold inside! She wears it proudly!
They got called to warm up! There goes my girl! Eek! We were so proud of her!
Here she is smiling at us in her line up!
Doing her thing!
We have noticed a huge improvement in her skills the past couple of months as she was being coached for nationals. She was super straight, slow, and took her time. She did awesome!
The best I've ever seen her in competitions before! Woo hoo!
They had 3 flights of 10 girls each. When she came out of her flight with 4th, I almost died! I could not believe it! I knew she had a chance to make the podium but we were trying not to get our hopes up.
Hanging with Daddy waiting for final scores!
Sweet MAT girls!
They had to compile all the girls scores from all 3 flights and come up with a top ten. Then those 10 got trophies and got to stand on the podium.
And we were all a little giddy when this list was posted!!!!
There's our girl!!! 9th out of 30 competitors! Pretty awesome!
I was bursting at this point. As you can tell, so was she!
We always tell her that as long as she does her best, we are proud of her no matter if she gets a trophy or not. We prepared her that she might not get one this time because it was so much tougher. I mean, all these girls had to qualify at the state level.
And to have her in the national top ten is a pretty amazing accomplishment at 4 years old.
So proud of our star!
Family picture! We were also so happy Daddy was able to take vacation days to come on our road trip. He had a couple of important events he was supposed to supervise back home and got it all worked out so he could come watch his girl!
Thanks Ga Ga and Papa for coming to support Kerigan! She loved having an audience!
We had to do a little photo shoot with her trophy. She was so, so proud.
And so was Andrew! He kept saying "Good job, Kerigan!"
Us with our little champion!
And one last picture walking back to the hotel by the Sunsphere- her favorite thing in Knoxville!
Up next... back to Nashville for more adventures!