Hello from the Country Music capital of the world!
So we took a different route on the way home as well so we could go through Nashville. Somewhere I've always wanted to visit. It was another long, 10 hour day, but we got to Nashville right around dinner time.
We had just enough time to tour the Opryland Hotel before we ate, and it was amazing!
It was just a gorgeous place, like a greenhouse with beautiful plants, waterfalls and rocks around every corner.
The kids had a blast exploring!
Every time you turned around there was a waterfall or something. It was like a maze!
Those are some of the hotel rooms- how pretty to overlook such an amazing greenhouse!
The best part was, after a long day in the car, it was so nice to have them just let us park in the area where cars check in to stay there. It was a 20 min parking zone but the parking attendant told us to take up to an hour and we'd be fine!
An hour is about all you need to explore a hotel (even one this big!) so we just had a great time and then headed to dinner.
This was the entrance going into the lobby
My surprise place for the kids for dinner... The Rainforest Cafe! They were so thrilled.
Andrew wanted to go around and take a picture by every animal, ha!
This was such a nice break after our long car drive! If we had more time, we would have stayed another day or two in Nashville. I could see that there was a lot to do there! We want to go back and visit again sometime and stay longer!
We drove a little further to our hotel for the night and went straight to bed. The next day was our last day on the road and our arrival home! I didn't take any pictures! We were just glad to be home and see daddy and relax at home for a couple days before our next trip to the lake for the 4th of July! Ha!
We loved our summer road trip and were so glad we got to see some things along the way that none of us had ever seen. I love planning vacations and finding the best routes with fun things to do! If I had my way I would road trip across the country for the whole summer! I just love to see our country! There are some amazing places and I love showing my kids what it's like outside our little state of Iowa. We always say that we love traveling and seeing other places but we are always grateful to raise our kids in Iowa. There's just something about the midwest charm!
We are glad to be HOME!